We help students earn better grades

Is your student’s procrastination driving you crazy?
Is your student prepared to succeed in high school, college and beyond?
Or do you sometimes worry that poor organization & time management, ineffective study methods, or a negative mindset about school could be getting in their way?
If your student is procrastinating on work and staying up late to get it done at the last minute, missing assignments, getting low grades on tests and quizzes, or feeling constantly stressed out by all the pressure they feel at school, it can be hard on the entire family.
It’s frustrating to feel like your student’s lack of organization, motivation or confidence in school could be keeping them from earning the grades they deserve…especially when you’ve invested so much in their education and done your best to help them succeed.

Even if your student is attending the best schools in the country, they probably aren’t learning all the skills they need to succeed.
Most schools assume that students will pick up these skills on their own. Or they teach a study skills class in 6th grade. And after that, students are just expected to figure it out.
But when it comes to organization, time management, study skills, and motivation, a one-size-fits-all solution rarely works. There are general guidelines and best practices that can help, but for lasting results it’s important to develop personalized solutions that fit the way YOUR student thinks.
And even if the solutions presented are a good fit, simply telling students what to do is not enough. Especially for teenagers, knowing what they should do is not going to change their behavior. In fact, the more someone tries to push or pressure them, the more they’re going to want to do the opposite (Especially if that someone is their parent!)
Even if your student is attending the best schools in the country, they probably aren’t learning all the skills they need to succeed.
Most schools assume that students will pick up these skills on their own. Or they teach one study skills class in 6th grade. And after that, students are just expected to figure it out.
But when it comes to organization, time management, study skills, and motivation, a one-size-fits-all solution rarely works. There are general guidelines and best practices that can help, but for lasting results it’s important to develop personalized solutions that fit the way YOUR student thinks.
And even if the solutions presented are a good fit, simply telling students what to do is not enough. Especially for teenagers, knowing what they should do is not going to change their behavior. In fact, the more someone tries to push or pressure them, the more they’re going to want to do the opposite (Especially if that someone is their parent!)

- Coming home to find your student working on a project that’s due next week, and knowing that you can trust them to complete & hand in their work on time without having to remind them about it.
- Seeing your student shrug off setbacks and obstacles that used to stop them in their tracks, and approach new challenges with confidence in their ability to succeed.
- Listening to your student excitedly share their vision for the future with friends & family, and feeling confident that they’re on track to reach their goals for college and their career.

Programs & Services
How We Help Our Students
Our coaching process is specifically developed to help students create lasting changes in their behavior and develop the mindset, organization, time management, and study skills they need to succeed in high school, college, and beyond.
Executive Functioning
Helping students develop the organization + time management skills they need to effectively manage all of their responsibilities.
Academic Success Skills
Helping students develop the study skills they need to earn better grades with less stress, even in highly competitive academic environments.
Mindset + Motivation
Helping students develop the optimism, self-confidence, grit, and resilience they need to pursue and accomplish their goals in school and in life.

As Academic & ADHD coaches, we are on a mission to help our students earn better grades with less stress! We specialize in connecting one-on-one with students to help them develop the mindset, habits, and strategies that will enable them to reach their academic and life goals.
Ready to Get Started?
In this complimentary 30-minute parent strategy session we’ll discuss your student’s situation, identify the obstacles that have been getting in their way, and discuss potential solutions that could help them create the successful, positive future they deserve.
What it’s like to work with us
Customer Testimonials
I really needed this push, from someone who is not my dad. You’ve taught me more than I could have imagined. When I first started working with you, I had no idea what to expect. I wasn’t sure if you’d be really rigid and give me a hard time for not getting things done. But you’ve been so encouraging! And you’ve taught me strategies for how to encourage myself in the most positive way to get stuff done. It’s really been very, very helpful!”
Thank you for all you have done for Tyler and our family! It’s so refreshing to see Tyler’s confidence grow around his academic life. Our family life and closeness have been enhanced, and this has been a less stressful time in among demanding expectations because of your coaching program. Thank you!”
I graduated magna cum laude in three years, and have already been admitted to a top 20 law school. This would not have been possible without having learned how to study, be organized, and plan ahead from you when I was a junior in high school. Not only did you teach skills, but you encouraged me and helped me to believe that I could be deserving of success. The combination of learning how to be a good student and believing I could be a good student has made all the difference. Thank you so much!”
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About our Founder
Dr. Maggie Wray is a certified ADHD Coach & Academic Life Coach with a Ph.D. in Neurobiology and Behavior from Cornell and a Bachelor’s degree in Astrophysics from Princeton. She founded Creating Positive Futures in 2012 to help high school and college students learn how to earn better grades with less stress. Her team of dedicated coaches is on a mission to empower students to develop the mindset, organization, time management, and study skills they need to achieve their goals.